Friday, August 2, 2013

Wednesday Night Fun! 7-31-2013

I'll be working at the rescheduled Boston Comic Con this weekend, so we decided to do a quick weeknight herp excursion through Brook Farm and into Millenium. We figured we'd see a few frogs and snakes and such. We were right.

We got there a bit before 7 PM and it was buggy! You'd think we would be used to it by now but it was pretty awful. We might have gone faster than we would have without them, but I doubt we missed much! I let the skeeters devour me while I got this shot of a long tall Bullfrog!

Evidently, there had been more rain than I remembered (but the bugs hadn't forgotten) and there was some tire track puddles that were teeming with small Green Frogs! These are a few of them!
i love green frogs
Look, this is the only 7-space frame I could find! Live with it!

We hurried through Brook due to insects and got to the clearing of Millenium and its rocks. Rocks that house many Garters. It didn't take long (though we did flip hornets first) to find our first Garter. And a feisty one he was!! He was all chompy!
Garter 1
Garter 1
Garter 1

As excitable as that first one was, the second one was mellow...
Garter 2
Garter 2

We decided to just photograph the animals and not be comedians anymore. The third Garter looked something like this:
Garter 3
Garter 3
He was giving Andrea love rubs!

Next up was a thin guy who was very wriggly!
Garter 4
Garter 4

Shortly after commenting that we have never seen toads here, this Young American hopped by!

One flip had a Garter under it but he slid away without a picture. We were luckier with this next guy.
garter 5
I got all crappy shots of this guy while Andrea got many good ones... that all look like this one! So, we'll just show the one beautiful shot above!

As you see, it was dusk and it was getting dark quickly! I flipped this Water Snake, who was not too excited about it and he did the Alligator Twist.

Andrea saw another Water Snake slide into the water in the dwindling light. We never found the owner of this Garter skin, either!

Last up, before heading back into the woods, was this gorgeous Green Frog!
Beautiful Green

The trail back was very dark, but less buggy. I saw a light shadow hop by in front of me and snapped a flash shot in the general direction. Upon uploading it, I see a brownish frog with a mask... a Wood or a Green? I can't ID it but the fact that anything came out is pretty cool!

So 6 snakes and 5 species in under 2 hours? Thank you, I'll take it!

Ellie wasn't as happy with our trip... she had to wait for food.

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