Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Staying Local. 8-11-2024

Short on time and energy, we still wanted to get out and possibly see some snakes. We stayed close-by, staying in Suffolk County, to check out our Winter den spot. Obviously, not much would be around the den sites, though you never know. It's getting to be shoestring season and Mom might have dropped the kids off.

Our first glimpse of nature was spotted even before we left our parking spot at home. Our dumpster has some visitors sometimes and this morning, there were three sleeping it off in there.

The hike wasn't as bountiful as we'd hoped. It took a while before a small American Toad threw us a bone and hopped out to announce his presence.

Way up to the Rock Wall Den, I flipped a rock and saw something black back up into a hole. Either a beetle or a salamander. I was honestly surprised to see that it was a this-year's-model Spotted Salamander! I'm glad I was very gentle extracting that beetle!

Getting ready to cross a footbridge, this perfect Green Frog was waiting to take a toll.

We spent a while watching small Bullheads skimming the surface of the water. Most were very small but some were getting on to about 5 or 6 inches.

We got out to the next-door park and walked along the brook. A large Snapper floated up and I tried to get a shot but didn't. See? What the hell?

This Bullfrog on the other side stayed put for me (once the Snapper was gone).

We made it to the river but there were no turtles present. Luckily, Andrea spotted this neatly folded Garter after I had walked past it on the way back.

Back in the original park, I made a discovery of my own... a beautifully colored orangey-yellow Garter.

Back in the car, I asked Andrea to remind me where this place was that someone said they'd seen plenty of Water Snakes. It was a nearby (closed) school with a bridge. It turns out it was a place we'd looked at years ago, but in the Winter. I figured we should give it a shot.

Instant gratification... we found the bridge and there was a massive Bullfrog (lots, actually) greeting us.

Going over the bridge (a boardwalk, really) looked like it would be a bit dicey.

Dicey but worth it... it seems Andrea had heard right. This absolute BEAST of a Nerodia gal was baking her babies. Easily over 3 feet.
Those little ones should be poppin' soon.

Finally got the camera on a turtle, too. This Painter was up basking about 25 feet out from the island.

There were, again, numerous Bulls around the edge.

Walking back to the mainland (hah!), we slowly went past Miss Big E. Smalls and I kept my eyes open for any other Water Snakes. Sure enough, pretty much across from Big E., we saw another massive gal!

It was definitely worth going to check out that school! Thank goodness it isn't being used as an actual school anymore. I'd hate for students to be around bothering these great animals!

We'll definitely be going back to school ourselves, and hopefully not bother the critters living behind it ourselves!

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