Friday, August 9, 2024

picta This, a Day in August. 8-4-2024

Into August we go and we wanted to see turtles. It had been a month since we went to our great turtle spot in Plymouth County, so that's where we headed. Early, but we still hit Cape Cod traffic. It was supposed to be warm and overcast which sounded good for snakes, too. It wasn't. We hit the woods first for a snakey chance though. No serpents but we did find a Peeper under some bark.

Up to the trail, we saw that the first bog was dry. Muddy at the wettest parts. That's where Spotted Turtles are usually seen. We figured most chelonians had moved on to the big pond. By the time we got to the main path that went next to more bogs, we noticed that the water level was lower than usual, but not lethal. There were some Bullfrog noggins visible.

We finally saw a Painted Turtle up.

This was a huge Snapper. Period.

Found where the Painted Turtles were...

Further on down the path, things started to look better. Especially with good ol' pictas.

Even a Bullfrog threw us a bone.

The following 265 pictures are of Painted Turtles. If they weren't so common, even the trophy herpers would appreciate them because they are so beautiful. Me? I adore them so I had a blast when we stepped into the Painter Zone. They were everywhere!

A couple of birds dared to invade the World of Turtle... #57, a Solitary Sandpiper.
 And #58, a Green Heron that buzzed into a tree.

Taking a rest at the big pond, we could still appreciate Painters!

Way the hell out there, a couple of Redbellies shared a perch with a Painted Turtle.

It was right around here that we saw a snake, likely a Water Snake based on the size and build, crossing the path about 40 yards in front of us. My feeble attempt at a run to find him was useless. He was long gone. Later, I was standing on a concrete slab looking into the grass trying to decide if the inch-and-a-half-around black thing was a plastic tube. Before I could make up my mind, the Racer sped off into oblivion. Second missed Racer of the year. Blech!

Here's a young Bullfrog that helped ease my pain.

Our last sight was this pretty Pickerel that was waiting for the skies to open up and rain on him. He didn't have to wait too long.

We made it out in time ourselves, really happy that it was coming down. Full in those dry bogs and keep those who live there happy and hydrated! So, no snakes photographed but at least we saw a couple. The amount of Painted Turtles was a thing of beauty, though. Yay!

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