Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Friday Night Delights 6-12-2020

Friday was a hot one. When I got home from work, I had a smoothie with Andrea (she makes a good 'un!) and then we went over to our favorite after-work spot in Norfolk County for a quick hike. We had instant gratification, seeing three American Toads before we even hit the trail. Here are two of them.
Andrea filmed the third and the footage can be seen on her Facebook page.

The forest trails were quiet and cool, until we got to a sandy bike-track part. There were a bunch of teens doing the trail bike daredevil shit. Much to our delight, one kid did a pretty good wipe-out. He laughed, but I'm hoping that was to save face with his friends and it really hurt. Andrea shoo'd another Toad out of their way.

On the alley, it wasn't long before Andrea yelled "Milk" and grabbed this guy who was slithering off of the path.
Always a treasure.

We'd hoped to see some turtles moving or nesting. One species we did not expect to see was a Spotted. This girl was assuming the stance, but we saw no hole or anything.
Coming or going, we couldn't tell, but I hope she was successful. Oddly enough, we have only seen two Spotted Turtles ever at this park, and both times it was females up nesting.

One thing that I love to find in the field is carpets. There has been one here this year and I always look, but so far, we'd been coming up empty. Not this night. A big ol' female Garter darted away when I peeked under it and I barely corralled her for a photo. She confetti-musked me but good. She calmed down enough for the photo, but note the flat head... she still wanted to kill me.

The most common animal on the night was the Eastern Cottontail. Bunnies were everywhere, hopping in and out of bushes and across the path... it was crazy!

There's always room for another American Toad. I love how dark this guy is.

Like I said, it was just a quick hike but it was a pretty full hour and a half, for sure. Our last sight was this gorgeous Green Frog on the Alley. Look into his eye... you can see us photographing him.
DSCN2672 (2)

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