Friday, July 3, 2009

IT AIN'T ALL ABOUT THE SNAKES- Boyden Refuge- June 27th

We headed off to Taunton to Boyden Refuge because of the tempting weather report. Althogh sun was sparse, we managed to do a complete run without getting pissed on, thought the clouds threatened all day.

We took our regular route and hit the fragrance garden, a place full of promise, but we'd only seen shed skins and zillions of wasps, so we didn't expect anything again. We found this lovely green tiger beetle.

Then, flipping flat rocks, this mammoth garter snake greeted us.

Under some tarp, this ready-to-shed milk snake was hanging out.

Could it be that this would be a Boynton Snake day of old? No.

Garter bunk beds, toad hollow, racer alley, car graveyard... all yeilded no squamates. So we decided to enjoy the other flora and fauna that the refuge offered.

Like a toad (at the bunk beds...)

A bunny!

A turkey that didn't seem to notice us.

We watched this swan.

We saw an osprey hunting by dive-bombing the water, but couldn't photograph him. So we got these cool still lifes instead.
And a still death or two...

These turtles found that basking space was at a premium.

So, while sometimes we think that 2009 isn't so great at Boyden, we'll still give it a shot because there is so much worthwhile nature to see there.

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