Sunday, January 28, 2024

The January Post

Yeah, the winter doldrums suck. We've barely made it out. One time we did, I accidentally erased the photos. So here I sit at the end of January with 8 birds photographed and no amphibians or reptiles. It has been an awful month. But I shant whine anymore... we're planning on having a bang-up year. It's just... who knows when it will start? 

The #1 bird on the year was a good find. We were driving towards our usual January 1st pond when we noticed a hole in a tree looked occupied. We pulled over and went to take a look. A #1 Screech Owl? Yes, please! We saw none last year!

The rest of the eight were mostly usual suspects... Robins, geese, Mallards. Here are some of the shots.

That's it. Ta.

1 comment:

  1. January and February do suck. Glad we are half way thru these two shitty months. Better days are coming ... we hope!
    Nice shot of the screech owl.
