Friday, December 31, 2021

Killing Off 2021. G'bye!

 We got out briefly during the last week here.  On Monday, December 27th, Andrea wanted to go to Northampton to take advantage of the Webs (America's Yarn Store) year-end sale. While there, I wanted to poke around in the streams of Hampden County, hopefully to see our first Massachusetts Dookie of the year. (We'd only seen Northern Duskys in PA.)

Well, we didn't, but I netted a couple of Two-Lines which, incidentally, Andrea hadn't yet seen in this state. (I had on Jan. 1st.)

A larvae, too...

These guys never cease to amaze me... that was some icy water!

The next day, it was sunny, but cold. 42° to be exact. But it was nice enough to take a walk around our local dens. One Garter Knucklehead was out, not 5 inches from the hole to the hibernaculum. He posed nicely in the sun before retreating to bed.

And that is where 2021 ends for us. My 2022 Bird Count begins tomorrow. A clean slate for everything. What will be our first reptile? Our first amphibian? Will be have a good year? Or a shit year? Who knows? But we're going to enjoy being out there in the wilds of Massachusetts and beyond.

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