Monday, September 14, 2020


It was Labor Day and it was beautiful and we wanted to see babies. You know, shoestrings and walking pebbles. We went deep into Norfolk County to a spot where we have seen both (baby snakes and turtles) in past years. Since it was nice and a holiday, we knew it would be crowded. And it was, but we figured it would thin out the further in we got.

The waterfront is usually busy so when it wasn't, we wondered what was up. But we're not people to look a gift horse in the mouth (whatever that really means) so we poked around. We saw our first two specimens of Frog of the Day... the Pickerel Frog.

The pathway was crowded enough, particularly with families. Not ideal for us, but we pushed on. At one point, we had a Garter ready to photograph but too many people stopped to look and it said "adios" and slithered off. Finally, in to spot below a bridge that is usually flooded, and I startled a Garter who was evidently hunting a Green Frog. It was not too happy with me.

His would-be lunch looked at me as I went back to the trail, with a brief nod on thanks.

I can't lie, we were a bit cranky. With too many people comes too much aggravation. And too many bags of dog shit and too much litter. And too much noise. We tried to find ourselves safe places to relax relatively unharmed by humanity. Here is Andrea in a quiet, verdant setting.

Deep into the park where few humans roam, we flipped this very plump Spotted Salamander. Eatin' is good and the Winter is a-comin'.

Turtles weren't readily available on some of the familiar perches due to the noise and screaming of some of the park's guests but a secluded pond and an excellent zoom lens got us a few Painters.
I'd love to have seen that second guy ascend that stump!

Eventually, we got to a spot where Sunfish like to beg for handouts. Yes, we have been among the folks who do some handing out. There was a family fishing nearby and we were looking into the water when this massive Snapper came swimming up.
Of course, along with us, the family got quite excited. The mom and I told the kids to get the fishing poles up and explained why... dangerous for the turtle and even potentially dangerous to the kids. One of the boys understood and related a story of getting a Spotted Turtle on the line and the trouble it was getting it loose.

All the while, a little shit of a boy kept his line in, one with an interesting lure on it and the turtle noticed it. I told the kid to pull it up and the Snapper started swimming right at it... I yelled... "Pull it up! Jesus Christ, what's your problem???" The little bastard looked mortified that he got yelled at. His mom apologized for his behavior. I said that I'm very protective of wildlife. She said that's a good way to be. I hope that little fuck-head cried all day. The Snapper gave me a thumbs up as we moved on.

I'm sorry, but come on. Control your kids or some mean old man is going to do it for you. And in the future, they might not be even as nice as was.

It was getting later so there were a few less people on the trails but the steady stream of human scum was still going. This brave Painter was catching some rays a mere 30 feet out.

Down where we'd snack-blocked the Garter on the way in, Andrea found another Garter. We gave him a wide berth.

We sat on a bench for a while, just looking at the water. (Well, Andrea was looking at her phone, most likely.) In the distance, I was watching a basking spot become a chelonian wrestling match as three Painters kept jockeying for the best basking position.

Heading back to the front, we finally spied our target... a shoestring Garter. I'd missed one (they are so fragile that I won't pursue them too fervidly) but Andrea gently corralled one nearby. The same one? Perhaps. At any rate, This Year's Model is a cute one!

Back to the waterfront, we took one last peek around. This large Pickerel looked very settled in and happy. I can just imagine the scritching it did to get so comfy.

Our last animal there was this extremely blue-eyed Northern Water Snake. A black beauty, for sure.

Not a bad day animal wise. All days that you get to see animals are good days. But I'm finding it harder every time to deal with other humans. This day was the closest I've come to snapping. In fact, the last few times at this park, I have had a bitter aftertaste due to idiot humans. It might be time to just pass this place by.


  1. it's me vi -- i was here!! looking at the baby pictures

  2. I'm proud of you for yelling at the little shit with the lure in the water. Fuck him. God knows I would have done the same thing. And maybe given him a kick in the ass to boot! Today's parents aren't quite like the one's I had growing up ......
