Friday, June 29, 2018

Garters on the Edge of Pond. 6-24-2018

Warm but overcast. Sounds like a winning snake day. We headed over to an Essex County pond that we'd been meaning to get to this year. Arriving late in the morning, we hit the trails to see how the place survived the Winter.
Since it was fairly humid, we weren't surprised to see that it was a bit moist under most of the logs. We hoped for salamanders. Heading back to a log well off the path, I saw a Garter slither under my target. I flipped it for this photo, then returned it to position.
That puppydog has one helluva meal in it!

We did see some salamanders. One log had this Leadback under it.
While photographing this guy, a Redback jetted right through the frame and hid under a leaf. He peeked out but I couldn't get the shot. He was too cagey to let me get a decent photo at all.

I walked toward the main pond (a reservoir) and didn't notice the basking log there until it was too late. A dozen Painters plopped into the drink, leaving me with only a couple of noggin shots.
I only got those shots by being patient. This Sunfish was right under me, waiting for the turtles to get back to the log. "My water, reptiles!"
Freshwater Sunfish

One section of this hike is an asphalt road that goes between the reservoir and a small pond for about 50 yards. It has always been pretty reliable for a snake or two but it was quickly evident that this day was going to be extraordinary. Right away, we started seeing Garters basking, Garters slipping into the brush, Garters poking around for food... all on the reservoir side. Here are a few. Note that many of them are in the blue.
Some were mere glimpses between the greenery.

This Water Snake broke up the Garterama for a moment.

This large gal was poking around...
When she slid off, she went right over this last-year's-model shoestring.

I couldn't resist and reached into a bush to pick one up. I got musked and he wouldn't cooperate, anyway. Serves me right.

That was all on the reservoir side. There were dozens of Garters. Some kids came by to fish and we asked if they liked snakes. Luckily, they said yes. We looked to the pond side to see if there was any action over there. There was.
Another half-dozen over there.

Andrea scored with a Pickerel sighting!

On we went, turning on the path to pass by another pond, one that is usually very green with duckweed. We could hear the Heron rookery from far away. We weren't surprised to see a lot of activity in the distant nests.
It sounded like a horror movie, with shrieks, grunts and groans.

Along that pond's edge, we saw this large Nerodia sunning, almost out of sight. Check out the scar on this resilient gal!

This pond can be pretty good for turtles but since it was overcast, we hadn't seen any yet. But as the sun started to try poking through the clouds, a few duckweed-covered Painters started to rise.

A little bit further on, we found ourselves on a different shore of the reservoir. This spectacular Pickerel tried to hide in the ground cover, but I got 'im!

While the other shore was filled with Garters, this one was Water Snake heavy. This first one almost looks like an Eastern King!
Lampropeltis getula sipedon.

This gal was well over three feet.

Even the 6-dotted Fishing Spiders were massive on this shore.
6-spotted fishing spider

Heading back, Andrea startled this Pickerel out into the open.

Passing by the duckweed pond again, we noticed that the sun had brought a lot of Painted Turtles out.
"Hey, Mack... spare a buck for a shave?"

Next up for us was a stroll up through the powerline cut. In the past, we have seen dozens of Garters up there. It had become pretty hot now that the sun was shining so we weren't surprised to not be seeing snakes. Looks like we missed one here...

We finally flipped a snoozing stubby Garter.

Eventually, it was time to head home. We still had to pass the Garterama spot, though. As we approached, we saw that the two fishing kids were still at it and there was a man and his son also fishing at that spot. Surely no snakes would still be there. Well, except for this Nerodia...

In truth, Garters were still all over the place, only a few steps away from the humans. We stayed there watching them for a while, maybe a dozen or so; some basking, some crawling, some digesting.

This female was massive. We probably should have measured her.

Andrea got a shot of this speedster before he took off.

I was toast by now. We were almost to the end (the beginning, really) when we looked down a path that we hadn't taken earlier. Should we? Why not? Once on the path, this Song Sparrow (well, that's what Bob tells me every bird that I can't quite ID is) was singing up a storm so I snapped a shot.
#76 Oven Bird- Lifer #172
Andrea, who seems to be retaining our bird CDs better than I, said "its saying 'teacher, teacher, teacher... I think its an Oven Bird." Sure enough, she was right, making this #76 on the year and, since I have never photographed this species before, Lifer #172.

We saw one more Garter on that path, a super clean, stunning one that posed nicely for us (with a little coaxing).

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.

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