Saturday, March 27, 2021

Monday, Monday (bah-da, bah-da-da-da) March 22nd.

 Andrea was working. I wasn't. But it was beautiful out and as soon as it was her lunch hour, we headed over to a local pond to look for turtles. Snappers were most on Andrea's mind, as they often are.

As soon as we pulled in, we got instant gratification. This log got us our First of Year Red-eared Sliders and Yellow-belly Slider (both species are released pets, of course) and a bonus Painter. From left to right is RES, RES, Painter, RES, YBS and a big RES in the back.

There was some nice bird action as well... this First Spring Hooded Merganser was enjoying a large fish dinner.

Then Andrea saw a white shadow under the murky surface of the water...

Probably not for the first time, ol' Whitey was our FoY Snapper.

And then he was gone.

We walked around the whole pond and saw a few more turtles. A big, basking Red-ear...

And a swimming Painted Turtle.

OK, I know Painters are super-common and often looked over by people who seek the unique but damn, look at how beautiful this animal is! You just can't take that shit for granted!

Some "hidden" Painters.

A not at all hidden Red-eared boy.

A large Yellow-belly doing an awkward balancing act.

And one last Painter enjoying the rays.

Time was almost up but we started over to where the Snapper had been to see if we could see our old friend again. A woman who had been sitting by the pond stopped us and pointed out a bat that was flying around! We saw it but I stood no chance of getting a picture. We got to talking a little and she told us roughly where the Great Horned Owls were at. Having never photographed one, we were keen on heading over for our few remaining minutes. We gave the woman our blog name... I don't know if you ever visited, Pond Woman with Heron Tattoo, but it was nice to talk with you and thank you for the tip!

We went up to the area and there was another couple of people looking around. A guard to the place actually pointed out what we were looking for and I got these iffy photos, but they are two fluffy Great Horned Owlets and (the ear, anyway) of the mum.
They make it 46 birds on the year and since I have never gotten a photo of one before, Lifer #192.

I had thought about going back at a later date to try for a better picture but the place has since asked that people do not go to that spot anymore. Evidently, assholes have once again ruined it for everyone; people have set up tripods on graves and spent altogether too much time in the area, thus making the birds uncomfortable. I'm happy with the two photos I got in the few minutes I was there. 
Read this.

Just to end on a snakey note... Friday the 26th it was warm but cloudy. I took Andrea to her dentist appointment and on the way back pulled over to a trash-strewn, filthy spot right on Hyde Park Avenue... and saw this sweet Garter face.

Not a bad work week, really.

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