Saturday, December 26, 2020

Lost Photos: RECOVERED! August 22nd, 2020

 Remember back in August when my computer died and I lost a batch of photos that I hadn't yet uploaded to Flickr? Of course you don't, but I do. I was futzing around a few weeks ago and plugged in the old, defunct laptop and lo and behold... I was able to find and save those very pictures. I have uploaded them to my new computer, edited them and WHAMMO... here they are.

They are from August 22nd of this year, our 17th wedding anniversary. It was a trip to Plymouth County and it wasn't anything super-special, just some sightings of the usual suspects. But since we haven't seen any of the species photographed here in well over a month and likely won't for another 3 or 4, the pictures have become very special to us. All of the animals in these shots are deep in hibernation as I write this.

This post would fit in just before this one.

I honestly don't recall everything about the day, so the pictures will speak for themselves. Evidently, a wee Fowler's Toad was the first thing we saw.

We visited the vernal at the first stop and it was still big and full enough for this Green Frog to hide under the surface.

From there it looks like we headed over to the bog. A Bull heavy day was in store. Here's the first:

A small Painted Turtle was also in the bog.

Another Bull. God, these look so good to me here in late December.

A stunning Green Frog.

Another young Painter.

How about three Bullfrogs? The colors of summer look so damn good to me right now.

Verdant magnificence.

Speaking of which... a perfect Green!

We walked along the edge of the pond near the bog and saw this big, beautiful Painter basking on a pipe.

Two young Greens on the edge of the pond.

One last big Bully before leaving the bog area.

There's a long trail that we usually take to look for snakes and toads but we either skipped that trail or saw nothing to photograph there. The next photos are from our traditional last stop at the place. As we always hope, there were some basking Painted Turtles there.

Looking again at this, it might be from that trail I just mentioned.

These ones are surely from the last spot, though. The Red-belly was being a pain and not showing me her head no matter how I twisted my camera. Plus a bonus Painted Turtle.

And lastly, some distant basking Painters.

So, while that might not have seemed like a super-great day at the time, it sure warms up my heart to see them right now. Perhaps it's a gift that they were lost, only to be recovered when I really needed to see this kind of beauty.


  1. Congrats on finding the lost pics! Have fun on Great Island tomorrow!

    1. haha... Fun? Hell, I'm just going to try to survive!
