Monday, July 13, 2020

We Drove 60+ Miles for a Rat. 7-8-2020

We're stuck in Massachusetts this year, obviously. We're not even supposed to drive to other nearby states so we're doing what we can instate. We still want to see as many different animals as we can, so we have to hit up the tried and true spots. No New Jersey or Pennsylvania this year for us, so we took a hike 60  miles out the Turnpike to try our luck at a sometimes reliable Rat Snake spot. As easy as they are to see elsewhere, the species is endangered in MA and this place is our best bet.

That said, it was going to be hot, hot hot and 92% humidity, so we got up early and hit the road. We got there at about 8:30 AM, before it was too steamy. Our timing was very good. While Andrea was still "looking for Wood Frogs", I flipped a Ringer next to the parking lot.

There is plenty to flip at this place and since we were early, we went about doing that first. A pile that has been good for Ringnecks in the past had a Milky surprise for us.
That's a new one for us here!

A tarp-full of ornery, abruptly awakened Garter.
OK, sorry... go back to sleep.

That's three snake species before 9 AM! Quite a difference from the day before, when our snake count was ZERO.

We walked past the ground-zero Rat spot a few times, looking closely every time. Nuthin', but we went on to some more flip spots and had good luck with more Garters and Ringers.

We walked on, taking different trails and a few other flip-spots, hoping for an Eft, some toads or the elusive Rat Snake. Eventually, we wound up walking past "ground zero" again and went over to peek. As Andrea way saying, "well, it worked once", I added "twice".
Our First-of-Year Rat Snake posed nicely for some photos, then gently backed in to the hole. Like it was never there.

OK, that was four snake species on what was gearing up to be a super sweaty, hot day. Adding any salamanders was going to be tough, but we got a few nice Painters up basking.

A Garter was up catching some rays before starting his day.

One more Painted Turtle.

At that point, we considered ourselves done. We picked some wild berries to bring home and checked "ground zero" again. Nothing. See, timing is everything here. But I just had to hit one last spot before heading out. Hey look... another Milk!

That was a pretty successful, if quick trip. It was still only 11 AM when we left but we were absolutely soaked with sweat, so we cranked the AC in the car and hit the road. We actually did take a quick swing into the next County for a walk at a newer spot. We did see a large Water Snake take off, but pictures were not to be had.

But mission accomplished. Plus lots of other beautiful animals.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I really like seeing rat snakes. They can be fairly common in coastal CT, but not so much in MA. Nice work!
