Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lunchtime Turtles. 4-7-2020

With Andrea working during the week, we're missing out on some sunny, warm hikes. But on Tuesday, April 7th, it was nice out so we took a drive over to the local cemetery on her lunch break to walk around the pond.

It felt cooler than we'd thought when we stepped out of the car but it wasn't too bad. Right away, we ran into an old friend... Old Whiteface, the Snapper.
He might have been our First of Year Snapper in previous years, too. He came up to look us over and when he saw we weren't going to be feeding him, he lost interest and moved on.

This Red-ear was so huge, we could see him from the car. Large and in charge, he didn't get off that rock for anyone, even though we all walked by fairly closely.

How about a third turtle species during this short hike? OK... this Painter was up in the bank.

This big ol' Snapper looks ornery. He was up grabbing some rays, which most Snappers don't bother with.

The Stump of Action... Two Red-ears and two Painters, with a bonus Painter below. Check out the molting on that big Red-ear!
(In case you can't see it, the second Painter on the stump is mostly hidden by the front Red-ear, but his noggin is sticking up behind it.)

One more Painter for the road.
Not a bad little lunchbreak there.


  1. it's me vi......(it's either i have to comment as bernie (long story) or this
    i loves loves all the turtles
    i'm so happy to see them....i can't get out at all (even though this spring my body feels better then last spring) so i am dependent on everyone else's spring critter photos
    lots of love to yous both

  2. I'm jealous - wish I could see that many turtles by me!
