Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Just Time for a Quickie. 7-5-2018

95° again. I had to hang around the house waiting for my doctor to call back. Eventually, around 3 PM, I called them back and said I wasn't going to hang around all day and we headed out to a local spot in hopes that something would be visible before we had to go to practice in a few hours.

Well, it took a while. I mean, walking outside, even when its 95°, is a blessing but we wanted a few animals, too. This trusty Bullfrog was spotted just in a nick of time.

From a pretty good distance, Andrea spotted this deer cooling off in the water.
It was very aware of us, even from far away.

Cut to the chase... we got down to the river and were delighted to see some Painted Turtles sunning themselves.
I was wurkin' it, gurl.
There were way more turtles up than I expected. (And upon uploading the pictures, way more than I'd seen with the naked eye.)

Heading back, we got to a deep part of a brook that runs along the path. We'd seen a Snapper in there before. I said something to the effect of "what I'd give to see a Snapper"... then I noticed a bump that I hadn't noticed earlier. Zoooooom...
Attached to this face, there was a big shadow beneath the water. Thank you, God of Snappers.

We saw a couple more Bulls on the way out. I was really ready to call the second one a Green but there is not an actual dorsolateral ridge, just a few bumps and coloring. That is a Bully.

Hey, it was a quickie but we got out, got some fresh (hot) air and saw some beautiful animals. I would do it again. And, in fact, I'm sure I will.

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