Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Finishing Up February. 2-24-2018

Of course I felt bad about seeing animals on Wednesday without Andrea. So when Friday night called for rain, I took her out for expensive pizza and we hit a place in Bristol County to look for Wood Frogs (literally) and possible salamanders. When we got there, it was way colder than expected... hovering around 40°. We heard one or two peepers but it was too cold for any knuckleheads to be out. We had to content ourselves with loads of Fairy Shrimp.
Fairy Shrimp

We woke up the next morning a bit late. We both had gigs Saturday night (Trainwreck was a last-minute replacement for the opening act at the Jerks gig) but when we saw sun outside the window, we knew we had to take a walk in Norfolk County. We chose a long, straight, flat path where we might see some early turtles.

Well as it turns out, Andrea did see a small basking turtle plop into the water as we approached the trail. As we stood there looking around at the water, we noticed two small Garter Snakes in the sun. One slipped into a hole quickly but the other stayed around for a photo.
Andrea's First of Year.

It was going to be so easy today!!!

Except the sun almost immediately tucked itself behind clouds and pretty much remained there. We walked about 2 miles in and at our furthest point, we finally flipped Andrea's first Redback of the year.
Nice Fu Manchus, brother.

On the way back, some hikers said they'd seen a turtle and by their description, it sounded like it was where we'd seen the plop. Nobody was home when we went back by. Better luck next time.

It was around 60° so despite the lack of sun (holy shit, I'm having amazing deja vu right now), we chose to take a peek around the dens in Suffolk County. Our chances of Ambystoma were better there, too. Andrea struck first with a burgundy backed Redback.

The dens had no Garter garland strew about but we did manage to get Andrea's FOY Blue-spotted, definitely the same specimen I had seen last Wednesday.
She got a much better photo than I did.

That was it but we got in over 5 miles of hiking and saw some critters. I only "owe" Andrea a Water Snake now and I'm no longer in the dog house. It felt damn good to do an actual nature walk.
Our gig was fun that night, if not particularly musical.

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