Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Fruits of Our Labor. 8-15-2017

As the year progresses, we edge ever closer to the Autumn and Winter and the really important "nature walks" that we do. 2017 will be our third year of Sea Turtle volunteering, where we walk the beaches in November, December (and sometimes January) looking for cold-stunned, beached Sea Turtles. (A full explanation can be seen here.) We got a message last week that we were invited to see two rehabbed turtles being released back into the ocean at 6 PM on a Tuesday. Naturally, we both took a half-day off from work and made our way down to Cape Cod to witness this.

True to 2017's form, it was cool and raining on the Cape. That didn't deter a few dozen people from New England Aquarium, volunteers and their families from going to see two Loggerheads, named Sunny and Lightning Bolt at the aquarium, return home.

These turtles had gained plenty of weight, were healthy and ready to go.

This is Sunny, ready to sing "I'm Free".

Nobody knew how the turtles would react to being on the sand. They wouldn't remember being on the sand since they were born. (Of course, they were found washed up on the beach in December, 2016... both in Truro, MA.) It would be interesting to see what they did. The turtles were put onto the sand...

Lightning Bolt...

and Sunny...

And here is what they did...

They wasted no time getting back into the drink and getting back on with their lives. This, my dear, is what it's all about. Yes, we cried, we laughed and yes... we felt damn proud. So, we both ditched work early, fought traffic for a few hours, stood in the wind and rain for 15 seconds of turtles running into the water. Was it worth it? Hell yes!

We had a chance to talk to some friends that we usually don't get to see "off season", then went to find some dinner. I was thinking, if it was raining here, maybe it was in Plymouth County as well. Since we had to pass through, we decided to cruise the State Forest there to see if any amphibians were on the roads.

Well, it hadn't been raining there, but we still managed to see a Fowler's Toad and a small Bullfrog (whose dark lateral stripe-blotch had me convinced it was a Green for a while).

We got home late and tired. And regret absolutely nothing.

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