Sunday, September 22, 2013

Guilt Herping 9-20-2013

After my successful solo herping trip during the day while Andrea was at work (yes, I felt a bit guilty), I asked if she'd like to go visit our friend's yard for some Dekay flipping. Kate and Snag, who live just up the street, have a wonderful micro-habitat in their back yard and have a very successful colony of Dekay's snakes!

Dusk was upon us, so time was of the essence! We immediately flipped the tiniest snake of ever!

Obviously, there were newborns about! The successful colony continues! The next flip had two neonates under it, but they were too quick for our camera!
Looks like one took off so fast that his skin came off! (That was an old shed from a larger specimen!)

This is the only non-baby we flipped!

Here's another Twins flip!

Just to keep things honest, we flipped a few Redbacks as well!

I wish we had a back yard like this! Well, we kind of do, because Kate and Snag are awesome friends and understand our need to herp. As an added bonus, we got to stay and talk with them for a while! Win win!!!

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